Technology – Belgium
Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Jitterbit, e-SignatureServices
Plan, Build, EvolveIntroduction
EKO Group, composed of the two legal entities Simeko and Globeko, is offering IT services of two types : all that is linked to printing thanks to their partner Kyocera, and general IT services that can go from laptop installation to server configuration.
The EKO Group, composed of two legal entities, was having hard times finding a proper solution that could help them in the same time to make sure the (different) processes of the two companies could be supported, but as well to make sure they can be managed and reported as a whole, because synergies between the entities are key!
Bring a 360° view of the customer
Bringing together Sales, Servicing and Operations gave a 360° view of the customer. Any sales requiring an onsite installation goes from the sales to the servicing team, who can act accordingly, then support the customer during its whole lifecycle, and manage its consumption.
Drive Profitability
Thanks to its expertise in the technology industry, Novera made it possible for the EKO Group to use deals profitability to drive their sales activities. It’s now crystal clear which offer and customer is profitable, and how much it is. Thanks to that, EKO makes sure they treat their customers as deserved!
View and Exploit Partner Data
Part of the work of Globeko is to work with data coming from their partner Kyocera… a lot of data ! Using Jitterbit to integrate all this in Salesforce allowed the company to have a clear view, report, and leverage on all this information to make sure to know and serve its customers the best way possible.
Be Mobile
Using the Salesforce mobile app and an e-signature module, field servicing can be managed digitally, from reporting the work done to gathering customer’s validation.